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Configuring iLO port of Proliant Servers without restarting

Unit in Concern
Proliant Servers

iLO port need to be configured without restarting the server

Consider the following scenario:

iLO port was not configured when the server goes production. And later system administrator wants to configure the iLO port. But the downtime is not available for the task.

In order to accomplish the task, 3rd party DHCP tool is required.

Below link provide the direct link to the simple DHCP tool or simple google search would provide you with a one.

Configure a static IP to your PC/Laptop and connect the PC/Laptop directly to the iLO port of the server.

Run the DHCP server and configure the IP pool as 2, starting with the IP given to your PC/Laptop. It gives us only one IP's to tryout avoiding time waste.

Below images shows the configuration of the above software

Configure static IP to PC/Laptop

Run the software tool as Administrator and select the ethernet port which the cable is connected to the iLO port of the server

Configure the DHCP pool with two IPs

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