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HP MSA 2040 SAN Storage - Connecting to the Controller CLI Port

Unit in Concern
HP MSA series SAN

* IPs of the controllers is not known

* By default the controllers were set with factory default values as below

Controller A IP -
Controller B IP -

Sub net Mask -
Gateway         -

* If the controllers were connected to DHCP network controllers will automatically provided with IPs by the DHCP. And the given value can not be known directly. In such a situation connection to the controllers can be get through CLI port.

* G1 and G2 models comes with the serial cable which can be directly connected to the serial port of the PC/laptop and connect with hyper terminal through com port

* From G3 onward, serial cable was replaced with a mini USB cable. HP part number for the cable is 592266-001.

* Connection to the controller should be made as below

* In order to connect to MSA through the mini USB cable, USB serial driver needs to be installed in the PC/Laptop. HP describe this as "HP Storageworkds P2000 MSA USB driver". This can be downloaded from here or below link from HP.

* Installation will start as below

* "COM" port to the cable will automatically get assigned and will be visible in the control panel. COM port number is important to note for use with the terminal emulation program.

* For the terminal emulation program, one can use hyper terminal or putty.

* The settings of the terminal emulation program should be used as Bits per second = 115200, Data bits = 8, Parity = None, Stop bits = 1, and Flow control = None.

* When the enter key is pressed to get the connection, terminal windows will display the IP address of the controller and make the CLI prompt.

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