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The enclosure health status has been degraded on SMU - P2000 G3 SAS

Unit in Concern
HP P2000 G3 SAS MSA Dual Cntrl SFF Array

The enclosure health status has been degraded on SMU

* System Overview shows 
     Health - Degraded
     Health Reason - A sub component of this component is unhealthy.       

* Enclosure Overview - Rear Graphical view shows 
     Health - Degraded
     Health Reason - A sub component of this component is unhealthy.      

* Enclosure Overview - Rear Tabular view shows 
     Health- Degraded
     Name- Controller A

     Health- Fault
     Name- Controller A Compact Flash

     Health- Degraded
     Name- Controller B

     Health- Fault
     Name- Controller B Compact Flash

Action Taken to fix the Issue
* Update firmware of both controllers(Updated firmware - TS252P001) and hard drives (Updated firmware - HPD5)
* Slot 3 hard drive was not get updated

* Store log analysis done by HP was as below

            Log analysis:
System Information
System Name:            Uninitialized Name
System Contact:         Uninitialized Contact
System Location:        Uninitialized Location
System Info:            Uninitialized Info
Vendor Name:            HP
Product ID:             P2000 G3 SAS
Product Brand:          MSA Storage
Controller Date
Date-Time: 2016-10-10 19:44:35
Ntp-state: Disabled
Network Time Protocol (NTP) Settings
NTP Status: deactivated
Client Task Status: 
NTP Server Address:
Last Server Contact: none

Manufacturer/Model           Controller A           Controller B
Manufacturer:                HP                     HP                 
Model:                       P2000 G3 SAS           P2000 G3 SAS       

General Information
This ControllerId: Ctlr B

Controller Status              Controller A           Controller B
CPU Model:                     Intel Tolapai 1200MHz  Intel Tolapai 1200MHz
CPU Status:                    up                     up                 
Failed Over:                   No                     No                 
Failover Reason:               Not applicable         Not applicable     

Cache Details                  Controller A           Controller B
Write-back cache:                                                        
Cache Lock:                    Yes                    Yes                
Slot A Cache DIMM size:        2048                   2048               

Storage Controller Revisions   Controller A           Controller B
SC Code Version:               T252R10-02             T252R10-02         
SC Baselevel:                  T252R10-02             T252R10-02         
Memory Controller:             F400R02                F400R02             
SC Loader Version:             23.008                 23.008             
SC CAPI Version:               3.17                   3.17               
CPLD:                          22                     22                 
Expander Controller:           2028                   2028               
Hardware Version:              53                     53                 
Host Interface Module Model:   3                      3                  
Host Interface Module Version: 50                     50                 
Internal RAID SN:              CN831xxxxx             CN831xxxxx          
Backplane Type:                7                      7                  
Node WWN:                      500c0ff197bcb000       500c0ff197bcb000   
Host Channel HW Revision:      0                      0                  
Disk Channel HW Revision:      3                      3                  

Management Controller Rev       Controller A           Controller B
MC Loader Version:              2.5                    2.5                
MC Code Version:                L252R014-01            L252R014-01         
LAN Active:                     OK                     OK                 
IP Address:                
IP Subnet Mask:           
Gateway IP Address:           
LAN MAC Address:                00:c0:ff:19:82:95      00:c0:ff:19:83:25  

Host Interface Details
Number of Host Channels: 4
Host Port Name:       A1                            A2                            A3                            A4                           
Host Port Type:       SAS                           SAS                           SAS                           SAS                          
Host Port Status:     Up                            Up                            Disconnected                  Disconnected                 
Configured Speed:                                                                                                                             
Actual Speed:         6Gb                           6Gb                           Auto                          Auto                         
Health:               OK                            OK                            N/A                           N/A                          
Target ID:            500c0ff197bcb000              500c0ff197bcb100              500c0ff197bcb200              500c0ff197bcb300             

Host Port Name:       B1                            B2                            B3                            B4                           
Host Port Type:       SAS                           SAS                           SAS                           SAS                          
Host Port Status:     Up                            Up                            Disconnected                  Disconnected                 
Configured Speed:                                                                                                                            
Actual Speed:         6Gb                           6Gb                           Auto                          Auto                         
Health:               OK                            OK                            N/A                           N/A                          
Target ID:            500c0ff197bcb400              500c0ff197bcb500              500c0ff197bcb600              500c0ff197bcb700             

Known Hosts:
ID              Manufacturer     ABitMap BBitMap
External Target Id Control:      Disabled
Enclosure Feature Flags: 00000005

SuperCapcitor Details
SuperCap State:    98%                       98%                     
SuperCap Status:   OK                        OK                       
Pack Voltage:      8.18                      8.17                    
Cell 1 Voltage:    2.04                      2.03                    
Cell 2 Voltage:    2.06                      2.05                    
Cell 3 Voltage:    2.04                      2.06                    
Cell 4 Voltage:    2.04                      2.03                    
SuperCapitor Temp:                                                   
Temperature Details
CPU Temp:                                                             
FPGA-IC Temp:                                                         
On-Board temp:                                                        
On-Board2 Temp:                                                       
Disk Drive Details
Number of Disk Drives:    9
Number of Drive Channels: 2
Encl Slot ChA ChB SP Vendor    Model               Rev  Serial Number        Size        How Used    Type   LED Status(#) memberIndex vdisk
1    1    0   1      HP        EH0300FBQDD         HPD5 6XN34VRN0000B331D5V0 300.0GB     VDISK       SAS     Online   (1) 0           SAPPRD                         
1    2    0   1      HP        EH0300FBQDD         HPD5 6XN35ZPD0000M33101JS 300.0GB     VDISK       SAS     Online   (1) 1           SAPPRD                         
1    3    0   1      HP        EH0300FBQDD         HPD3 6XN35CRK0000M33113FK 300.0GB     VDISK       SAS     Online   (1) 2           SAPPRD                         
1    4    0   1      HP        EH0300FBQDD         HPD5 6XN361640000M330N105 300.0GB     VDISK       SAS     Online   (1) 3           SAPPRD                         
1    5    0   1      HP        EH0300FBQDD         HPD5 6XN34FYJ0000B330MNBY 300.0GB     VDISK       SAS     Online   (1) 4           SAPPRD                         
1    6    0   1      HP        EH0300FBQDD         HPD5 6XN36JAM0000M3316QG4 300.0GB     VDISK       SAS     Online   (1) 5           SAPPRD                         
1    7    0   1      HP        EH0300FBQDD         HPD5 6XN361270000M330SWH3 300.0GB     VDISK       SAS     Online   (1) 6           SAPPRD                         
1    8    0   1      HP        EH0300FBQDD         HPD5 6XN35XQY0000B331D2SW 300.0GB     VDISK SP    SAS              (0) 0           SAPPRD                         
1    9    0   1      HP        EH0300FBQDD         HPD5 6XN36HBR0000M3313QUS 300.0GB     VDISK SP    SAS              (0) 0           SAPPRD                         

Virtual Disk Details
Number of Virtual Disks: 0
Name                 POwn #drvs RAID    SizeBlks          NPart SN                              Status Health
SAPPRD               A    7     RAID5   3511912704       8     00c0ff1982950000d00a2e5200000000 FTOL   OK      
    MemberIndex  Location State Activity
    0            1.1      Up             
    1            1.2      Up             
    2            1.3      Up             
    3            1.4      Up             
    4            1.5      Up             
    5            1.6      Up             
    6            1.7      Up             
    0            1.8      Up             
    0            1.9      Up             
Enclosure Power Supply Info ( all enclosures )
Value                      Left Power Supply         Right Power Supply      
Enclosure 1
Power Supply State:        Up                        Up                      
Power Supply Health:       OK                        OK                      
12 Volt DC Source:         11.93                     11.98                   
5 Volt DC Source:          5.09                      5.09                    
3.3 Volt DC Source:        3.36                      3.35                    
Fan State:                 Up                        Up                      
Fan Health:                OK                        OK                       

Fan Speed:                 392                       378    

* In a planed downtime (after instructing the customer to take complete backup of storage), first the Controller A was re-seated. 
* After all LED's in the Controller A is green, after the above step, Controller B was re-seated.
* Since the warning messages continue to appear, Compact Flash Card(HP Spare Part #768079-001) was replaced with a new card, one by one and the health condition of the storage returned to normal

***  Compact Flash Card was replaced as per the instruction given in below link

* Again perform the hard drive firmware update in order to make the previously failed slot-3 hard drive firmware to be latest. 

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